Mis on ola uhise ravi bias

See küsimus on Kolme Mere ideekavandi nõrgim osa, näidates, kui suurt rolli on projekti arendamisel mänginud USA, millega on omakorda kaasnenud Euroopa partnerite üpriski leige suhtumine ja vähene kaasatus projekti algstaadiumis. Milleks Eestile Kolme Mere Algatus? Ehkki Venemaa infooperatsioonide juured ulatuvad kunagisse Nõukogude aega, näiteks sõjalise pettuse ehk maskirovka juurde, on tänapäeva Venemaa kaldunud rohkem traditsioonilise psühholoogilise sõja poole, mis tugineb samuti Nõukogude propaganda kontseptsioonidele, aga on kohandatud uudsele infotehnoloogiale ja ühismeediale, mis tagab edastamise suurema kiiruse ja muuski mõttes vastavuse Iisrael saab omalt poolt pakkuda ekspertteadmisi vee puhastamise alal, veevärkide laiendamise oskust, põllumajanduse tehnoloogiat, mis on kõige paljutõotavamad koostöösektorid. Colvin, J. Nende sõnad ei ole olnud vaid retoorilised lausungid.

Colvin, J. MIKE was a thermonuclear surface burst yielding During the period of approximately 10 ms after detonation, five discrete luminous channels were seen to start from the ground or sea surface at a distance of approximately 1 km from the burst point and to grow up into the clouds.

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We have reexamined the original photographic records of IVY-MIKE, obtaining effective brightnesses optical powers per unit length for the luminous channels at different altitudes as functions of time. The absolute calibration for the MIKE records Mis on ola uhise ravi bias deduced by comparison with the photographic records of other events of that era, laboratory measurements of film sensitivity, and use of atmospheric transmission data taken just prior to the MIKE event.

Errors in this analysis lead to an uncertainty of a factor of ˜2 in the brightnesses of the luminous channels.

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In the laboratory we have used laser-guided electric discharges to create long cmarclike plasma channels to simulate the observed luminous channels and to allow determination of an empirical relation between the brightness of the channel and the electric current flowing in the channel.

These laboratory discharges had peak currents up to kA and periods of ˜2 ms.

Spectroscopic analysis showed that the luminous channels consisted primarily of normal air plasma with typical ground-level contaminants. By direct comparison of the luminous channels seen at MIKE and the laboratory discharges, we deduce: 1 the peak current in the prominent brightest channel at MIKE was between and kA.

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Here the most likely value of the peak current was ±50 kA, but.